Friday, April 27, 2007

Woody Guthrie said it best

I'd like to rest my heavy head tonight
On a bed of California stars
I'd like to lay my weary bones tonight
On a bed of California stars


We're going to spend a few nights here. Back on Tuesday.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

First childbirth class

I don't want to make any guarantees, but Heather and I could very well be valedictorians of our class. We totally know our effacement from dilation from station. Our teacher was great. She used a knitted uterus to explain the process and she showed us some videos featuring a lot of heavy breathing women. Since my eyes were tightly shut through most of the video I can't say for sure how good it was, but Heather seemed to like it. And that's all that really matters.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

32 weeks

everything continues to go well


we go to our first Lamaze class tomorrow

so we're pretty much ready to be the best parents in the history of parents

like even better than the Huxtables or the mom and dad from 7th Heaven

Monday, April 23, 2007

Uber Doula

We interviewed a doula (person trained to attend to the emotional and physical comfort needs of laboring women to smooth the labor process) today.

Her credentials were very impressive:

• Voted Best Doula by Dallas Child Magazine in 2005 & 2006
• Certified Doula
• Registered Massage Therapist
• Member of the Massage Doula Network
• Certified Breastfeeding Educator
• Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
• Lamaze Labor Support Specialist
• Mother of Three
• 1984 Miss Hawaiian Tropic Runner-Up
• Tenth Degree Black Belt
• ASE Certified
• Forever Pimpin'
• Never Slippin'

We may interview a few others, but this doula certainly appears to be worth the.... well, you know.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April Showers...

...bring lots and lots of great gifts from our Seguin and San Antonio family and friends.

And fun games.

And good food.

It's too bad Baby Daddy had to miss it.

But there was important "Daddy business" to attend to on Padre Island:

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sweet News

We were worried about the possibility of gestational diabetes. Mostly because of the health risks to the baby and Mom. Partly because I would have to go out to the garage to eat my cookies. But the tests have come back negative. So tonight, we're going to enjoy a Skittles Salad. What's that? You've never had a Skittles Salad? Here are the ingredients.

Skittles (lots)
Pink cotton candy
Snickers bar thinly sliced
Butterfinger and Heath bar crumbles
Sweet Tarts
Pop Rocks
Candy Corn
Laffy Taffy (banana)
1 pint of Ben & Jerry's Coffee Toffee Fudge Crunch
1 dallop of whipped cream

Mix together and enjoy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Heather turned pieces of paper into cranes.

And paper cranes into a mobile.

Also, she has a baby INSIDE of her.

I think she may be developing magic powers.

Kind of like David Blaine.

David Blaine and Heather. Their magic is real.

(Thanks to Janis and Mark for the cool mobile.)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I had this dream...

That Dingos were trying to eat my baby.

Also, I wasn't wearing a shirt.

Also, I was a little paunchy. And I had freckles.


Monday, April 2, 2007

80 days to go

any bets on what kind of activities are in our future....

Sugar, Spice, XX Chromosomes

Snakes, Snails, Puppy Dog Tails, XY Chromosomes

actually, both seem like fun


Spring is a busy time for nesting birds and a delightful time to watch and observe.

Birds will readily nest in areas where a steady supply of food, water, shelter and high-speed Internet connection exists.

As spring approaches, don't forget the importance of offering nesting materials to entice nesting birds.

A single nest can take thousands of individual search and carry missions for nesting birds.

Help them out by offering nesting materials in concentrated, readily observable piles or stashes to reduce the time it takes a bird to find things and build a nest.

Offer the following items:

• Pack N Play
• Car seat
• Ceiling fan removal
• Light fixture installation
• Baby book
• Dimmer switch installation
• Cupcakes from Sprinkles.

(Thanks to Cousin H for sharing and to the GrandPerego-ants for all their help this weekend.)