Sunday, February 22, 2009


Things I like about this video:

1. He's wearing his awesome striped pants that his mom made.
2. He's dancing to the pre-programmed music in his keyboard.
3. There's a lot of backwards walking and high stepping.
4. The second the music stops, he asks for more.

The Great Depression II

Just in case the economy gets worse, Jonah and Daddy practiced living in a cardboard box today. It's going to be fun!!

Guitar Hero

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Run, Daddy, Run!

Jonah spent the morning cheering his Daddy on during his first marathon.

Before the race:

Running through our very own neighborhood

Stopping at the 26 mile mark to say hello to Jonah:

Headed down Congress to the finish line:

Resting his tired muscles:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lil' Helper

Jonah has been helping out around the house. He's hoping to earn some money so he can save up and buy some pants. And maybe some shoes.